What’s a nifty way to restrict the dog run without re-installing it


We have a "dog run" in our back yard that we hook our dogs to when they need to go out. Their harnesses hook to a lead, and then lead in turn hooks to the wheel you see in the picture below. The wheel runs along a line that is about 40 feet in length. This way, they can run around the entire back yard (pretty much) without restriction, but are still bound by the run.

enter image description here

The problem is, one end of this run (the line you see the wheel running along) is sunk (drilled) into a tree, and my dogs always end up wrapping themselves around the tree. I've finally had it! I'm sick of having to put on my boots and tread some 50 feet out into my back yard to unhook them and unwind the lead from around the tree. The time has finally come for me to find a solution that prevents them from wrapping around the tree.

I've thought about putting up some kind of fence that hooks into the tree (that way they can't wrap around it), but this tree is smack dab in the center of our lawn and anything I put up will be an eyesore for my wife.

Also, this lead was a real pain to put up, so I'd like to avoid taking it down and reinstalling it at all costs.

So now I'm considering putting something on the run itself; some kind of block that prevents them from getting to the tree in the first place. This would limit their run from about 40 feet to 30 feet, but I don't think that will rob them of any exercise.

But if I just simply wind duck tape around the run, the first time they go running after a squirrel or something, the wheel will get lodged on the duck tape and then they'll be stuck in the center of the lawn; plus I'll have to go un-lodge them.

So I ask: can any DIYers out there think of a way that I can:

  1. Attach something to my dog run that will hold resolute but not allow the wheel to get lodged or wedged on it; and
  2. Not require me to take the run down and put it back up

Best Answer

They make clamps that you can very easily install onto the line. They come in a range of sizes to fit most any line size. Here is a picture of what they look like.

enter image description here

You can procure these at most home supply centers and at any decent hardware store. Look for Steel Cable clamps.

There is another type of connector that may be an alternate choice. These, as pictured below, will be found in the electrical supply section of the same types of stores mentioned above. They are typically made of copper and so will not rust. Price will be a little higher though.

enter image description here