When is it necessary to paint a wooden fascia (barge) board


Context: a Florida roof and gutter is to be replaced, however the fascia wood was rotten and replaced. The plan is to be covered by aluminum fascia and has a drip edge.

  1. When does it make sense to paint the wood boards?
  2. Does it make sense to paint if Aluminum fascia is to be nailed to the board?

The goal is to have the building ready for the gutter craftsman.

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Best Answer

Exposed wood must always be sealed in some fashion unless it's chemically treated or of a species that's rot-resistant (cedar, teak, etc.). Even then it tends to preserve the aesthetics of wood to paint, oil, or varnish it.

Metal fascia is commonly installed right over "subfascia" (raw SPF 2x6 lumber). If everything is installed correctly it should never see water.