When is priming a wall for painting necessary


Say you just want to freshen up the walls of your apartment using the original paint color – the standard instruction is you need to prime the walls and then apply two coats. All these guides however assume you are painting a different colour.

The walls in my apartment are pretty new, the apartment itself is only 8 years old. The color is a very soft light neutral tone – probably the best way to describe it is a warm off white.

Is it necessary to prime the walls under these circumstances?

And also, how do I determine if more than one coat will be necessary?

Best Answer

There is no reason for priming when freshening up a wall or even changing color for that fact. If your wall looks in relatively good shape the only area that might need primer are the corners. Primer will hold better on corners much better than regular paint - as standard latex on metal can basically rub off after curing.