When painting with a roller sometimes it feels uneven, like the cross-section is an oval rather than a circle. What am I doing wrong


Sometimes when painting with a roller it feels like instead of the roller being circular in the cross-section, it is an oval. Or perhaps the paint is loaded unevenly? I have been loading paint from a tray but dipping it in the paint and then rolling it on the raised part of the tray.

When I move the roller on the wall, I can feel the unevenness although there is little visible difference in the paint applied.

Am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

As some have said cheap can be a problem, are you loading the roller with paint evenly and working it on the cross hatched section of the pan? I will roll into the paint lift and back up roll into the paint 3 or 4 times depending on how full the tray is. After loading I roll on the crosshatching or ribbed section lift and roll to even out the load of paint and reduce dripping. With good technique even a cheap roller will provide even coverage and with bad technique the most expensive roller wont make a difference.

As we can’t see what you are doing try paying attention to how you load the roller, this is how my dad showed me decades past and even though I hate painting I can do a nice even job using this method.