Where does the garage drain go and how can I unclog it


I have a drain in my garage floor. I've never worried about it too much, but with some heavy rains recently I discovered it doesn't work.

It appears to be clogged with lots of dirt, pebbles, and leaves. I tried pouring a bunch of water down it to see if I could find the exit, but could not.

Would this drain go to the sewer? If not, what can I do to unclog it? How can I figure out where it goes?

I've taken a look at this question, but the drain is in the concrete, so digging it up is out of the question. Also, it appears -from jamming flexible tubbing into it- that it gets clogged almost right away, so I don't think snaking it will tell me anything.

Any help is appreciated.

pic of drain, grate removed: Hemisphere base with the drain going straight out of the side. All that dirt is left over from my attempt to use a plunger on it.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your garage drain could go anywhere--it could be tied into your septic system or sewer connection, or it could go to a separate exterior drywell or leach field. It could even head into a sump pit to be pumped out by a sump pump. Its impossible to know without a whole lot more information about your specific circumstance.

As to how to unclog it, your best bet may be a high-pressure water jet snake.

jet snake

These can be rented from tool rental outfits, or you could call in a professional. They tend to be better at removing sandy-type clogs than conventional drain snakes.