Where to aquire rubber bushings


Where can one order unusually-sized rubber bushings? A washing machine uses a 17mm OD, 4mm ID, 10mm length rubber bushing that is not available locally. I am aware of McMaster but once I select any of the relevant parameters from the faceting menu, all other relevant options disappear. In any case, McMaster does not ship outside the US.

If had to make my own bushing, how might that be done? Would using a drill press result in an accurate bushing? Drill an OD hole, then fill it with silicon, then to put an ID drill upside down in the press and push that into the silicone. Is there a better way?

I realize that this is a borderline OT question, but it seems to be allowed as in fact I did ask a local home contractor and this is related to the repair of a home appliance. Also, this similarly-worded question is on topic, A-B question not withstanding.

Best Answer

Generally speaking, appliance repair parts are most easily found at an (these days, mostly online) appliance repair parts specialist dealer, as they are not generally "standard" parts (or if they were, you already found those ones by other means.)

Another option (if you just can't find one) is to make your own replacement part using something like silicone rubber that you can form yourself and let cure.