Where’s the C terminal on the boiler control


The new thermostat I purchased doesn't run on batteries, and needs 24 volt power. I have only a red and a white wire connected between the boiler and the thermostat, but there is also a third, unused wire. The instructions from the thermostat say to hook that third wire to the C terminal on thermostat and to the furnace's C, but I have a boiler with no C. Where do I put it on here? Please help I'm desperate.

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Best Answer

Unfortunately, the Aquastat you're using does not expose a C terminal. The transformer is likely soldered directly to the board; so unless you're good with a solder gun, you're going to have to buy a different thermostat.

The red wire attached to the T terminal, should be connected to the R terminal of the thermostat. The white wire attached to the T terminal, should be connected to the W terminal of the thermostat. When the thermostat calls for heat, it will connect the R terminal to the W terminal. This will cause the coil to pull a switch closed (relay), which tells the boiler that the thermostat is cold.

If you're not afraid to potentially break things, and you really want to try to get the new thermostat working. You could try to add your own C wire. You'll simply have to connect the new C wire, to the other lead of the secondary coil of the transformer.

enter image description here
Left image shows original wiring. Right image shows where the C terminal should be added.


Modifying the wiring of the Aquastat will likely void the warranty, and could potentially damage the equipment. Proceed at your own risk.