Which windows work with which automated window openers


I need to replace all the windows in a house. In planning to do so, I'd like to preserve the option of eventually (not necessarily simultaneous with the new window installation) installing some kind of automated window opener like this one so that when home-automation technology is more fully mature, I can add some kind of window opening/shutting device that would communicate wirelessly with a home automation server and allow me to do things like open all the windows in the house from a remote location via my Android phone or tablet.

But it's clear to me that not all windows work with all window openers.

So does anyone know a good resource with a comprehensive list of automated/electric window openers and which windows they function properly with? Or perhaps a list of windows and which automated/electric window openers they work with?

Best Answer

Why would you want to do this? Home automation technology is a terrible idea IMHO. The stuff is expensive, there are no standards to make things work together, and it will all break in a few years and have to be replaced. Having been in many houses with this kind of equipment in them, I cannot honestly say any of them really added value to the house, made their owners' lives any easier, or saved anyone any time at all. Do you really have so many windows that you actually open and close frequently enough that walking around your house to do it yourself is a hassle?