White spirit vs. meths vs. IPA for cleaning/preparing surfaces


White spirit (aka mineral spirits or mineral turps in the US), methylated spirits (aka denatured alcohol in the US), and isopropyl alcohol are each used for preparing surfaces, or removing oily residues.

Other than 'whichever is to hand' or 'the cheapest', is there any reason to prefer one over the other for this application?

Best Answer

You need to match the solvent to the type of material you trying to remove. Fundamentally there are polar and nonpolar molecules. Water and denatured alcohol are polar and mineral spirits is nonpolar. Oils are nonpolar, which is why oil and water don't mix. So to clean up an oily surface, you need mineral spirits. Somehow some dishwashing liquids also work (like Dawn).

YES...I know there is a LOT more to this subject, but just trying to answer the OP's question without going overboard.