Why can I receive low band VHF on one tv but not another


I'm getting channel 5 to come in on my living room TV through a rooftop antenna. This station is not coming in my bedroom. I'm using a splitter in the basement.

I've tried different antennas, cables, and even an amplified splitter but still can't get channel 5 in the bedroom. I also tried plugging in a small TV antenna directly into the bedroom TV, but still no-go. If I plug the bedroom TV into the same jack where the living room TV is plugged in, I do get reception of this station.

Any ideas on how to get this to come in or why it's doing this?

UPDATE: I finally got this resolved by using a 2-way splitter for the tv that was having issues and directly connecting one of the “out” ports to the TV in question and the “in” to the rooftop antenna. Then I connected a coax cable connected to the “in” port of another splitter that has “out” ports that connect to the other TVs in our house. I also adjusted the antenna to get the best signal.

Best Answer

Based on the symptoms so far -- this isn't a dodgy tuner, or a bad cable. This leaves one possibility: something in the bedroom is spewing RF garbage on VHF channel 5, and moving the TV further away from it causes it to pick up less of the garbage, allowing it to "hear" the TV station on that channel.

Can you try moving the TV from the living room into the bedroom? If the living room TV can't pick up channel 5 while in the bedroom, even with an antenna directly attached, then that would lend serious credence to the RFI theory. From there, it's a matter of unplugging things until channel 5 comes back in...