Why do installers leave a gap between vinyl tiles


I've seen professional installers leave a small gap 2-4mm between vinyl tiles(Please see pic).

This would expose dried glue which would come into the air space(even if a little) and you could basically see the glue in the gaps.
Why do they do this? Surely it's better to have the tiles as close together as possible so you can neither see, smell it or let it comes up into your air space?

enter image description here

I have done some reading and it seems these are referred to as seams

1. Why leave a big gap when u can have them right close together?

2. How should one fill them up? Grout, caulk, silicone or some other way? I’d want to use a method where off gassing chemicals expires sooner.


Best Answer

No. Professional installers do not lay vinyl tile squares like that. These are literally the easiest tiles in the world to install. These are butted right next to each other.

The only reason they could be installed like this is the dumb*ss doing the install watched a tile install video and thought it applied to vinyl squares too.

Side note - there is really nothing you can do. There is nothing that will fill the crack that will stick well and function in a kitchen. You could poly over the whole floor but that could be creating more of a problem.

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