Why does significant condensation gather on the bedroom windows overnight


When we wake up in the morning, we're observing a significant amount of condensation on the bedroom windows around the edges on the inside (inside the house not between the panes). We had new windows installed in the spring, and we didn't have this issue last winter.

Is it likely that there's a draft around the windows keeping the windows cold? If so, how do I detect and/or fix that?


  • We have an electric radiator that we keep near the windows that we run typically for 2 hours starting when we go to bed
  • We have thick curtains that we draw closed when we sleep
  • We sleep with the door closed to block sound

Best Answer

I would guess that the problem is not a draft from the windows, but moisture in the room, probably caused by having two people sleeping in a closed room.

The warm, moist air in the room will hit the cold window and water will condense. To eliminate the problem, get more air circulation - open the door, or open the window a tiny bit. At least try it for a couple of nights to see if that solve the problem.