Why does the kitchen faucet cut off when turned more than halfway on


A while back, I was running my kitchen faucet while the the dishwasher was on. While the dishwasher was filling up, there was a sudden spike in pressure in my pipes, and the faucet cut off. Ever since then, I can only turn my kitchen faucet about halfway on – it works normally up until that point, but then suddenly cuts off, and won't come back on until you completely turn off the faucet for several seconds.

I was able to disassemble the valve completely, but I can't figure out what the problem could be – everything looks ok (or at least not obviously broken) and nothing appears clogged.

How can I troubleshoot this? The faucet is a Kohler single lever faucet, if that helps.

Best Answer

Where the water comes out, see if there is a part to unscrew. Take it off and test again. This part can jam under higher flow/pressure.

Feel free to edit this to put in the correct name (aerator?)