Why don’t American homes have blinds on the outside of their windows

blindsenergy efficiencygreenwindows

Traveling through Europe, seeing many different construction methods, I try to take an objective look at why things are done a certain way.

One of the most positive things that I see done in Europe compared to the US is that a lot of their (almost all in some regions) window blinds are built into the window unit and are on the outside.

The first benefit and a much sleeker inside that isn't cluttered by blinds and then there has to be a substantial insulating factor.

Is there any reason why this isn't implemented in the US? And do you know of any reports/studies done on the comparative energy savings of outside blinds?

Note that this is a bit pricey because it has the electric guidance for the blinds. Most have metal chains and the preferred is usually the chain since it is difficult to fix the electric ones plus the extra hookup. I would expect to pay 200-300 Euros for a window this size normally.

Best Answer

They're not to everyone's taste. They roll up into a large box above the window -- either inside or outside. And they are more expensive than blinds. Maybe Europeans like them for the noise and privacy factor and that may not be as much of a concern here in the states. Having said that I have wished many times that I had them in my house. Favorite feature is that you can open them up just a little bit so that it has holes in it and you get some light and some breeze. But also very nice to just shut out the world outside and get a good nap in the middle of the afternoon!