Why don’t I see water being pumped outside when the sump pump runs


My sump pail has been dry for almost 2 months now if not 3. But we had a rain storm last week and 2 days now i heard it kick in here and there. problem is, I went outside and I don't see any water being discharged from the outside drain when the sump pump is kicking on. Is this normal? and if it is, what is making the sump pup kick on if the pit is dry? I though water builds up in the pit which make the floater in the sump pump rise then the pump kicks on?

Help please…
much appreciated.

Best Answer

If the float is triggering it to start the pump, but there is insufficient water to where the pump sucks air via a vortex, it will not pump out. That then means your float is not adjusted properly; it should not trigger on until there is enough water to avoid it sucking in air.

Sometimes when there is heavy inflow and a pump that that was too small, people lower the float switch trip point in order to get the pump started earlier if it was having trouble keeping up with the flow. That's not the way to fix that problem, the fix is to get a bigger pump.