Why don’t whole house fans vent to the outside


I've been researching fans and the ones I've found all seem to vent to the attic. Why is that? Why can't they vent directly to the outside? It seems more efficient that way. Otherwise you have to have anothe fan to vent the air in the attic.

Best Answer

As was said in the comments on your question, you get additional efficiency by clearing hot air in the attic in the process. Your house air is maybe 75-80* F, while your attic can be 100* or more. Ventilating the home and the attic results in greater overall cooling by reducing heat that would conduct back through any attic insulation.

I assume here that whole-house ventilation is used exclusively for cooling, and that we're not discussing heat recovery ventilators (HRVs), which are typically only used for bath and kitchen ventilation and are installed according to strict protocols, which wouldn't allow attic discharge.