Why is the roof leaking when it isn’t raining


I've just moved house last week and today have noticed a drip in my dining room. What's odd is that it isn't raining – in fact, today is the first warm day of the year.

The "water" is a brown colour, but doesn't seem to have an odor. Moreover, I'm also noticing drips from the roof line on the outside of this part of the house.

It's a single story extension without plumbing, so I don't think it's a leaky pipe. The gutters are bone dry and there's no standing water on the (flat, leaded) roof.

What could be causing this? And how would I solve it?

Best Answer

When water leaks through ceiling it makes drywall week. Recently I replaced leaky hot water pipe in the house. A big area of ceiling was damaged. Not sure how big or a small ceiling portion is affected in your case. I would first make a small hole with a nail or at least 1/4” drill. If water is accumulated and comes out faster or more you may have to cut 12x12” piece of ceiling. (I would start their) Let us know what is your finding. Making hole or cutting small portion of ceiling was suggested based on your info.