Why is thermostat calling for cool when set to heat


I have a White Rodgers 1F97-1277 thermostat. I set it to call for emergency (propane) heat on my York heat pump. Display shows 'Heat – Stage 1'. When I look at the furnace, no heat and no flame. The status light is blinking a slow amber, which is call for cool. This is not a new install.

My thoughts: Perhaps the cool is the defrost cycle for the heat pump (is that stage 1?). However, one would think if it can't meet the demand from the thermostat using the heat pump, it would turn to propane for heat. The amber light though means the furnace thinks the thermostat is calling for cool.

Why would the furnace show a call for cool, when the thermostat shows it's calling for heat.

Here is thermostat wiring:enter image description here

Here is the heat pump : enter image description here

Best Answer

My first thought is that the the wires are hooked up incorrectly.

Pop the cover on the thermostat and look at the labeling where the wire to the furnace attaches.

Do the same at the furnace end.

This may make it clear.

Second step: Check the installation manuals for the furnace and the thermostat. If you have 12v control for the heat pump, and the furnace wants a 24v signal...

Third: It may be that the thermostat cannot properly control two devices. In this case install a second thermostat at a point that is both reasonably central, and easy to run wire to the furnace.