Why will the toilet not flush after it rains or when ground is wet


I live in a house with a septic system. When the winter/spring rains come, the toilet on the ground level master bedroom does not flush. We have another toilet on the ground floor that does flush. We have removed the non-flushing toilet, snaked the line and even installed a newer toilet. Nothing works until the ground dries out and then it will work fine. We had the septic tank pumped out, though it does tend to fill with ground water. What I don't understand is why will the one toilet work when the other will not? Any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

Best Answer

Septic System?? If so, the system is FULL of water already and needs to drain out from your drain field. If it is a municipal system, tree roots CAN SWELL TO 40 % or more of their normal size in wet weather, creating a blockage- hence a slower drainage- I'd look into a rooter service if this is the case and if on a Septic System- even pumping the tank will not help as the ground water is the culprit-preventing more water to disperse. Pumping the tank will only remove liquid & solids in the inlet side- not removing water from the leach/drain field.