Why would angle grinder cutting wheels of the same diameter have different thickness


Cutting wheels for the same diameter angle grinder can have different thickness. For example, 125 millimeters wheels can be 0,8 or 1,0 or 1,2 or 2,5 or 3,0 millimeters thick. I've tried several variations – looks like the thinner the wheel the faster it cuts because the smaller is the contact surface.

What's the reason for having so many thickness varieties of cutting wheels of the same diameter?

Best Answer

Quoting from the Norton Catalog:

.035, .040, .045, .060 Where fast cutting and low kerf loss are desired

.090, .125 For tough cutting and notching applications where stability is important

I would also expect that longevity plays into the equation for industrial applications (not something a DIY-er needs to care about)