Why would holes exist behind a baseboard


After ripping out some rubber baseboard, I discovered random holes all over the place. What would be the logical reasoning that these exist (if any)?

Edit: Hopefully I don't get completely flamed for this, but I'm asking because the basement that has this has been flooding recently and I'm wondering if these holes could be some poor attempt to "drain" water from the wall by the previous owner. The holes cover basically the entire room like this. Sorry for the misinformation I wanted to see what users thought without knowing this edited piece first.

random holes behind baseboard

higher resolution image
higher resolution and closer image of the same baseboard

Best Answer

Yeah, I'd agree with you. Likely a water draining or ventilation attempt. The drywall's on the floor, the holes are too high, wrong insulation installed poorly & the stud's bottom plate isn't pressure treated would lead me to believe it was a weekend warrior project.

It looks great, held up this long & no-one's gotten sick yet. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of mold back there. I'd go with a 2-piece replacement baseboard. 1/4" flat stock for the bottom & a bottom drilled-out at the holes molding on top to let it breathe better than ever, invisibly.