Will cockroach poison traps harm geckos


I live in a Hong Kong village house and here it's common to have Chinese geckos living in the house. They've been pretty unobtrusive so far and they do eat mosquitoes so I definitely wouldn't want to harm them.

Recently we've spotted cockroaches on a few occasions and were considering getting some poison traps like the ones linked here. Does anyone know if we're likely to poison the geckos as well if we install those? I guess the bait is unlikely to be directly attractive to geckos but will the poison spread through the food chain?

Best Answer

When I was in Japan in the 1970's we were told that the geckos will eat the roaches. Fewer geckos means more roaches. I would assume any dead roaches would contain the poison. Any geckos eating roaches that had consumed the poison would be contaminated.