Will I get more pests/insects if the neighbor sprays and I don’t


Had a pest control company come by today. To be honest this is about the 5th one, and I am tired of them trying to sell me their services. In all actuality we don't have that many pests/bugs.

They tried to sell me today on the fact that they are spraying homes on both sides of me, and because of that, I will probably see a huge increase in the number of bugs if I don't spray. I'm not worried, I can spray myself. But I prefer not to because we have an organic vegetable/fruit garden in our backyard.

Their logic makes some sense, but at the same time it doesn't. Does spraying kill the bugs that are currently there, or does it drive them away? Will I really see an increase in bugs? If I spray what should I spray with that is organic?

Best Answer

Pests (and all living things I suppose) tend to populate their environment to capacity. If any action drives them to seek new territory, and that territory is already at capacity, then any population spike will only be temporary. Population dynamics is a complex topic and no real-world system is inherently stable or predictable, so take this with a grain of salt. But I'm pretty sure the pest control company is just giving you a sales pitch.

As for "orgainic" sprays, you'll have to be specific about the type of bug you are spraying for.