Will I have a code problem attaching a 1.5“ grease interceptor to a 4” drain pipe


I want to install a grease interceptor in my house. The problem is that it will not fit under the sink, so I plan to put it in the basement.

The problem is that the sink, laundry and dishwasher all drain into a 4" drain that goes into the basement. I want to put the interceptor in line with this drain, which would mean I would have a 4" pipe connected to the 1.5" interceptor inlet, and then the 1.5" interceptor outlet would connect again to the 4" drain and go on to the rest of the sewer.

Will I have a code problem doing this?

Best Answer

It's a problem, with drains you can never reduce down you must always increase. The the 4"pipe going into the 1 1/2" is a problem.