Window AC not cooling


I've GE window AC 0.75 ton it has stopped cooling
I cleaned the nylon net properly with old tooth brush,it was totally blocked
Then I combed the metallic horizontal fin like structures which were behind the nylon net covering the twisted copper tube with same brush they were partially blocked
Further I combed and cleaned the same fin like structure which was out side
After some time I switched the AC On
I worked well
First it started blowing normal air
Then it clicked the compressor also but within 25/30 seconds compressor switched Off and again and AC started blowing only normal air
I then switched Off my AC and allowed to cool the machine
after 1 hour I repeted the same and the compressor switched Off again
Then I noticed that water has stopped dripping from outside also the water tray had very little water in it
I called the local machanic
He examined my AC and told that Gas is leaking from the thin tube comming out of compressor,it may have caused due to rubbing if that metal tube on body of compressor due to vibration
Further he pushed back the tube little bit to avoid contact with compressor body
He told me that he will try to weild that thin tube… but it may block the tube he will try it..if it ever get blocked we have to replace
(I felt his story professionally good but smelt some thing fishy in it..)
Many a time while browsing on NET I came across this sight..
So I am making it try today to ask my problem…
I hope I'll be satisfied
Thank you…

Best Answer

See: or Try searching the internet for "repair air conditioner" or "appliance repair," or "window air conditioner repair."

If the compressor starts, but then shuts off, it may be overheating, caused by a blocked tube. A thermal overload device cuts off the electricity to the motor. When it cools down enough, it will close again (like a thermostat) and allow the compressor to run again until it overheats again.

If the tube is leaking, it will blow bubbles (even very slowly) when you apply soapy solution on the tube where you think it is leaking. If the refrigerant gas has completely leaked out, it may not blow any bubbles. If the compressor will not run, it will not pressurize the refrigerant gas to force it out through the leak.

When the compressor does not start at all, you may still hear a humming sound, which means that electricity is running through the coils in the compressor motor, but it won't rotate. This can be caused by a faulty starter capacitor. The purpose of this capacitor is to allow the starter coil to "kick" the coils out of magnetic alignment and allow the running coils to take over. Turn it off right away to prevent overheating.

I replaced a capacitor in one of my air conditioners, and it worked again.