Window for shower


I'm doing a bathroom remodel, and there's currently a large window smack in the middle of the place where I intend to have a walk-in shower.

I'd like to keep that window – I love the natural light. The dilemma is, the window is towards the street, and I need good privacy too.

I've gone to Home Depot, and they've shown me their "privacy glass" – it's not very private at all. You can still easily see the silhouette of the person showering.

I wanted to ask for your advice: can you recommend a way to have better privacy, while keeping the window?

I've looked at various window adhesives too, but they kinda look cheap… I'd love to just buy a window that does privacy well. I'm OK paying a bit extra for it.

Thanks so much!

Best Answer

There are some pretty good imitation stained glass window overlays, which I think would overcome your "looks cheap" concern while being fairly cheap (under $30, if I remember correctly).

(I used a frosted overlay for the lower glass, only, of my downstairs bathroom since without a ladder nobody's going to be able to get line of sight above that line to any normal-height human. Leaving the top clear means more natural light. And unless someone was actively backlighting themselves, there really is zero risk of a silhouette being visible.)