Window numbering system


I have a garrison colonial house with vinyl tilt-in windows that need cleaning. I'm thinking to take the sashes outside in groups and hose them down, so I need to mark the sashes and frames with some sort of identifiers so I don't mix them up.

Problem: I can come up with a half dozen systems for identifying the windows, but I'm sure a couple of years down the road I'll have forgotten which system I used, confusing the heck out of yours truly.

Is there a standard way to identify a house's windows? Absent that, is there a system that, when you see the identifiers, you can figure out what it means?

Best Answer

Doesn't matter what system you use if you mark the sashes and the frames the same way and your system provides unique numbers/letters/nicknames/Braille encodings for each window.




John, Paul, George, Ringo...

Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe....