Winterize the lawn mower


I have a Toro self propelled lawn mower that I am getting ready to put away for the season. The manual says to run it until empty then put some oil in the spark plug chamber. I read an article that states you should not drain the but instead fill up with fresh fuel that has stabilizer added. Thoughts or recommendations?

Best Answer

The "article" you linked to is written by the manufacturer of STA-BIL, a brand of fuel stabilizer. So I would take the entire thing with an enormous grain of salt.

I don't see how you can go wrong following the advice of the lawn mower manufactorer. Personally for my small engines I switch to stabilized fuel sometime in the fall so that it works its way through all the hoses and into the engine, then when I'm done for the year I run it dry. That way virtually all the fuel is gone and whatever is left should have stabilizer in it.