Wiring a PigTail off a GFI outlet for 60Watt light bulb


I would like to install a 60W light for my coat closet. I can gain access to a GFI outlet on the outside wall of the closet. When I went to open up the outlet I noticed quite a mess of wires. I don't have a picture so I will explain in full detail. There are 3 cables (three blacks, three whites and three grounds) connected into the GFI.

One set of wires is going in to the "LINE" the second set goes into the "LOAD". The last set is pigtailed into the "LOAD" as well.

I am not sure if I can pigtail another line into the LOAD or should I take it from the LINE side? I dont want to overload the gfi and there is no other power source I can grab from that's close.

Best Answer

Your lighting circuit should be pigtailed off the LINE side of things (essentially upstream of the outlet). This keeps the wiring a bit simpler and lights aren't typically GFCI protected anyway.

Basically the black coming into the LINE terminals should be connected to the black leading to your new switch box, and they should also connect to a pigtail leading to the outlet. Same with the whites, and the grounds all bundle together (green in the diagram below).

enter image description here
