Wiring – Conduit for cable under a porch


I want to run power from my house, under my porch for ~13 feet, to an outdoor outlet on the "wall" below my porch. I'm wondering, can just run UF cable from the breaker, through the wall of the house, under the porch, and into the outlet box?

My front porch is maybe three or four feet above ground level and has decorative concrete blocks on three sides (and the house on the other side). There are holes in the decorative blocks, but too small for a person. So, since no human could get under the porch, it seems like the run wouldn't be subject to damage. (I can get in behind some drywall in the basement and then unscrewing an old boarded up window in order to work under there). So, I don't think I should need conduit. I figured I should use UF cable since rain/hose water could theoretically get under the porch.

Do I need to support the cable under the porch or can it rest on the "ground" under there? If I need to support it, what's a good way to do so considering I'd be surrounded by masonry? (I assume regular staples are not an option.)

I'm in the U.S.

Best Answer

Since this is outdoors, and a location where it shouldn't be subject to physical abuse (such as being stepped on, weed-whacked, or run over), nor will it see much if any sun, go ahead and run a UF cable under your porch. You can either run it in the porch floor as if it were a NM cable (so, NM cable staples, bored holes through joists, or cable clips attached to masonry by whatever-means-needed), or leave it laying on the ground (it's direct burial suitable, after all). You can even dig a trench under your porch and bury it if you so wish.