Wiring – fishing wire from second floor to garage in first floor


I was trying to drill a 1” hole on the horizontal beam in the wall to fish cable from second floor to garage in first floor. After drilling about 12 inch deep, I cannot go further anymore. Here is few pics about the hole and the wall structure, as well as the drill bit. Please let me know what is going on or if you have any better ideas. Thanks![enter image description here]1[enter image description here]2[enter image description here]3

Best Answer

I think that using a spade type of bit there will be really tough going. I would use a regular twist bit. Possibly two if it is really tough going - e.g., 1/2" first and then followup with a 1" through the 1/2" starter hole.

If you have access to do so, it may be easier to drill from the bottom up than from the top down because the hole will empty itself thanks to gravity.