Wiring – Fridge and freezer on 15amp circuit break via 14-2 wiring

appliancescircuit breakerwiring

I got a new freezer and fridge, each drawing 0.8 amp and 1.2 amps respectively.
I'm going to use 14-2 NM-B wire and put them both on a 15amp circuit breaker.

Together they're drawing just 2 amps and sounds like they should be fine, but I wonder about start time current. I could not find anything in their manual, but some googling said the start time current can be up to 10 to 12 percent of working current. So here are my questions:
– Is my choice of wire and circuit breaker going to make any issue for my appliances?
– If so, should I go for a different type of wire and higher rated circuit breaker or just put them on separate breakers?

Here is an update after almost a year! I used the above-mentioned circuit breaker and wire for my set up and after about a year, there has not been any issue and both appliances are still working fine!

Best Answer

You will be fine on the same breaker.

Starting current for refrigerators and freezers is not as bad as you think. Especially, new appliances. They are very efficient and will rarely at exactly the same time.

Good luck!