Wiring – How to connect wiring for this ceiling light


Firstly, for context, I should say that this is British wiring and in a fairly new home. I have a ceiling light that I have to replace. Annoyingly I couldn't get a clear view of the wiring in the previous fitting because it was all mashed up and I had to remove all wires to get at it. Now im left with a fitting with wiring that doesn't make much sense to me and all the power off the the lights in my house 🙁

I've got, what appears to be, two lives, one neutral and an earth. Looking at the switch it looks like one of the lives (the slim brown one) is coming from the switch so that's a switched-live, which leaves me with a live and neutral (the ones in the sleeves).

What's going on here? and how do I get this wired back up to a "normal" light fitting (with Live, Neutral, Earth connections)?

Thanksenter image description here

Best Answer

To me that looks like 2 Hots a neutral and a ground.

Many times I have pulled wiring like this to have a fan and a light fed from 1 circuit at the switch(s)

We would need to see the wiring at the switch(s) to be sure but one of the “hots” may not be in use if only one switch.

If 2 switches one will be for a light and the other for the fan. Both are wired from the same breaker in the panel and because of that can use the same neutral.

If only 1 switch cap 1 of the hots and see if the other is hot with the power on swap hots as needed with only 1 switch and cap or cover the other for safety.

I am not sure about junction boxes, on this side of the pond a junction box would be required it doesn't look like there is one but that is probably a difference in our electrical codes.