Wiring – How to make the connection for 2 lights with a power source between them


I have 2 sensor activated lights with the power source in between the two lights. It is run with 14/3 romex wire from each light source to the power source. How do I make the connection?

Best Answer

I am assuming that BOTH sensor-lights are identical with each having their own sensor. And therefore will work independently

You won't need to mess with the third (red) wires. Use what's called a "parallel" connection: Wire-nut the blacks together going to each fixture, Then wire-nut the Whites together. Then the Grounds together. After that, connect the two Blacks to the black lead at the source, then the two Whites to the white lead at the source, lastly the Grounds to the grounds at the source.

If you don't mind me saying, this is a very basic-type of thing to do. Might I suggest you get a good DIY book at the home-store before you do anything fancy, so you and your home are really safe?

Good Luck!