Wiring – How to pass large cable bundle through drywall


I’m moving all my network equipment to a central location inside a closet. I will mount the switch on the wall, and have about 14 Cat6 cables passing through the interior wall and going in different directions. What's the best way to do this? I have seen passthrough wall plates like this, but I don't like that they allow airflow and a potential entry for mice or other critters.
enter image description here

I have also seen recessed boxes like this with a punchdown patch bay, but this doesn't actually get the wires into the closet.
enter image description here

For smaller installations like in each room, I would use keystone plates like this. So I could mount four of these right next to each other. Is that the best approach?

enter image description here

Best Answer

There exists a putty called "duct seal compound" which you can pack into the opening of a pass-through plate to seal the opening. I couldn't say whether it is rodent-resistant (few things are) but it may get the job done for you.