Wiring – How to properly feed coax through an outside wall


I would like to add a new cable outlet to an outside wall and wanted to find out what kind of drill bit is needed to drill through and feed the coax cable as well as anything else to be mindful of. Comcast wanted $70 for a new outlet installation ($30 install, $40 tech visit), so I figured I could do it myself. The part that I'm most unfamiliar with is how to properly weather seal it. The outside just has vinyl siding and there's no electrical outlets nearby.

So far, I think I need the following

  1. Coax Cable
  2. Coax Cable Wall Plate
  3. Long drill bit
  4. Add a 3-way Cable Splitter to cable box
  5. Weather sealer?

Best Answer

I'd drill from the inside out.

Preparation inside

Cut a hole in the drywall where you want the terminal. Cut the hole so that a "low voltage" bracket will fit.

enter image description here

Drilling the hole

If it's a 2×4 stud wall, your bit will only have to be ~5" long. Drill a hole in about the center of the drywall cut out. You can use a 3/8" installer bit, which is ~20" long and has a hole on the end to aid in pulling the cable.

  1. Drill through the wall with the installer bit.
  2. Remove the bit from the drill (leaving it in the hole).
  3. Go outside and (or have a helper) connect the cable to the end of the installer bit.
  4. Back inside, pull the bit and cable back through the hole.

3/8" Installer Bit

Connecting the cable

Fish the wire from the outside junction, through the newly drilled hole (if you haven't already). Add ends to the cable, and connect the end at the junction box outside. Connect the other end to a faceplate of your choosing, and mount the faceplate to the "low voltage" bracket.

F-Type ConnectorFaceplate


Finish by sealing around the cable, where it enters the wall. Use either silicone sealant, or duct seal