Wiring – How to reconnect home ethernet that has been terminated outside


I recently moved into a newly re-wired house where the electrician terminated the ethernet wiring outside of the house. Wires are coiled/zip tied into a box on the exterior wall. The same box that the cable company patches their coax into.

What is the best way to activate this wiring? There isn't currently power available outside, so patching them all into a switch seems like it is going to be a, well, challenge… 🙂

Best Answer

To activate it you will need to create a network with a hub, router or switch. If you are adding broadband Internet access, you will need a broadband router which will share Internet access with the network.

Only thing is, the Ethernet cables should be terminated inside the house (unless you are planning to share your network outside the house). Home networking equipment is for indoor use only. This solves the issue with not having an electrical outlet.