Wiring – Is this a safe way to extend this wiring


The picture below is just above our cooker extractor hood underneath the first floor floorboards.
I need to bring through the 140mm diameter ducting from the extractor hood. I need to do this in the top left of the picture next to the ceiling joist and wall due to the location of the hood.
One of the The diagonal wires in the picture is completely taught and so is right in the way.

The only way I can think of to deal with this is to cut the wires, wire me end into a junction box fixed in the bottom left of the picture. Connect the other half of the wire into another junction box fixed in the bottom right and run a short length of new wire between the two junction boxes thus describing 2 sides of a square.

I’ve no complex electrical experience but this seems simple and logical to me.

Is there anything I am missing or which I need to take account of?

Thanks! 🙏

enter image description here

Best Answer

You did a pretty good job of answering your own question. It will work. Get the right cable to box connectors. You might want to just connect the two junction boxes with some 1/2" conduit and get the appropriate size wire and color from you home store and shove them through the conduit. If all the wire will be copper, use approvd connectors. If the existing cable is aluminum then you'll need the appropriate connectors, like Alumiconn connectors.

Like Alaska Man mentioned above, the junction boxes will have to remain accessible forever.

If it is determined that the locations will not be accessible, then your solution would be to replace the run of cable to locations that are accessible.

Remember to turn off the power before doing any cutting...