Wiring – Need help with wiring a new fan. Wire colors don’t match instructions and I am a bit of a novice


I purchased a new fan that I am trying to install. However, the wire colors do not match the instructions and I am a bit of a novice. The instructions say to connect
– green–>bare/green,
– white–>white, and
– black and blue –>black.

What I see when I've removed the old fan (I should've paid more attention when removing it, but it was quite difficult) is a clear red wire and a bare? off-white? wire.

There is a thick, thick black wire but it is very different than the others, so I"m not sure it is one I am to connect to. Deep tucked away I think I see a green one, but it obviously wasn't connected to the old fan, so I'm not sure that is one that I need? Could definitely use some help!

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Best Answer

First off, I'd rework the connections on the switch. They are pulling out of the terminal screws.

  • The red wire appears to be the switched voltage to the fan. It should be connected to the black and blue wires from the fan.
  • The blue wire is for a light fixture should you want to add one later.
  • The white wire from the fan should be connected to the group of white wires.

Find the bare copper wire and connect it to the green wire on the fan. If there is a green wire in there, connect it to the bare copper wire too. Good luck.