Wiring – please help me understanding this wiring


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From what I understand the black wire on the side is the Live wire. I was thinking that the other black wire would be the Load but I usually see them connected to the other side. The red probably is the traveller (this is not even a three way switch) but if that was the case wouldn't the other black wire be connected to the other wise as well?

Sorry if I am not making much sense. I switched a light switch last week where the bottom black one was a live wire and the top black was the load, was hoping to see the same inside this panel but the different wiring is throwing me off.

Best Answer

You have two black wires that are effectively tied together through the lower screw and the push in connection on the back. It is likely that one is the hot feed to the switch and the other is an unswitched hot connection to some other circuit downstream, such as another switch, or an outlet.

The red wire is probably the switched hot going to the load.

If one of the black wires is hot to another circuit, there should also be white wires in the box connected to each other, probably at least 3 wires. One would come from the main panel, one to the load and one to the other circuit that shares the hot lead on the switch. There also may be more wires in the box unrelated to this circuit.