Wiring – Possible to convert spa pump motor to bench mounted grinder

electric motorhot-tubwiring

I just added the pictures. I would like to know if it's possible to convert a motor that came out of a spa (magnetek brand) into a bench grinder.

The plug has 2 round poles, with a rectangle pole between them. They are arranged diagonally across a rectangle plug-head.

There is a wiring diagram that shows it can be set up for "high voltage" and "low voltage". I have not taken any covers off to see how it's currently configured. I'm in the U.S. and would want it to run on household current. (some call it 110v some call it 120v)

I did finally see the Amperage, and it's 16.0 or 8.0
Spa Motor Plug
Spa Motor Label

Best Answer

A spa pump motor is usually what's called a "C face" design, meaning that the motor mounts directly to the pump, which is what mounts to the spa. When you take it off of the pump, you have no mounting feet, so no way to hold it to your bench. So yes, you can use a spa pump motor for other things, but it will require some substantial mechanical engineering to make it into a grinder. Also, a typical grinder has a shaft on both ends, a pump motor has only one.

From an electrical standpoint, you need to read the nameplate of the motor to know what it requires and if it is adaptable to 120V household current. They often are, but then the next issue might be how MUCH current it will pull. The practical limit for a typical 120V outlet in a residence is 12A (80% of 15A), which means the motor must be 1/2HP or less. Many spa motors are 3/4HP or 1HP, so you would not be able to legally connect that to a standard 120V 15A receptacle.