Wiring – Re-wiring a router into the main control panel


This is my first time asking so please excuse me for not being in the right place. Our home Internet was just upgraded to higher speed and so we got a new router that handles 5G and 2.4G. I want to take our old router and wire it directly into my control panel to use the 2.4G system on an older laptop I use for online D&D. I have no clue on where to wire it in to piggyback it and start to use it in a room in the basement with poor signal quality. We have phone lines running throughout the house but only one room with an ethernet port. Any ideas? Thanks all!

Control Panel
Control Panel- Closeup

Best Answer

MoCA might be a solution for you (Media over Cable Alliance). I note that you have quite a few coax cables in your LV box, does one of them go to near the spot you want? If so, you can get MoCA adapters to repurpose the coax for use with ethernet. You'll have to do some research, but this should point you in the right direction. Here is a place to start: https://www.signalbooster.com/blogs/news/moca

Disclaimer: I have no personal experience with it, but it seems pretty well represented out there, your mileage may vary. Maybe others here can comment on experience with MoCA.

EDIT: This may be a question better asked at another part of SE: More to do with computers and networking. You are going to have other configuration issues such as DHCP controls using a 2nd router. Why keep it? Do you have enough ports on the new router? If so, just use the MoCA adapters (if your coax runs to a desired place) and plug it in. If not enough ports, just add a simple (non-intelligent) switch to add ports. Multiple routers can be a head ache if you aren't an expert, switches will often do the job.

Thoughts from other about migrating this question?