Wiring – What are these connectors on UK plug socket internal wiring


My friend is renovating an old house in the UK. I was interested to notice that all of the (removed) mains sockets had these plastic terminals on the ends of the wiring coming out of the wall. I've never seen these before – I would have expected bare wires, to attach to screw terminals on the socket fixtures.

I understand that the wiring is pre-2004 standard, with red live and black neutral.

What are these plastic connectors for? Are they intended to plug in to some particular design of socket fixture? To fit to a normal screw terminal socket, would these just be removed?

Best Answer

These are a type of splice that in your case was a safe way to terminate the wire in the bottom photo. In my area they are referred by there brand name Wago. I only use these types of splices or connectors in fluorescent fixtures but they are or can be used as they are a listed connector. Some contractors use them because they are quick to install and take up very little room in the box. I have had to replace many outlets and switches that have this same kind of connection called back stabs so I usually cut them off. If your wire is on the short side they can be crushed to release & save the wire.