Wiring – What kind of crimping tool do I need for these bullet-style cable connectors


I need to connect pairs of wires within a narrow space (in one of the dimensions). I've been thinking of getting this kind of connector pairs:

enter image description here

but I know they need crimping. The only crimping I've ever done is RJ-45 connectors, from which I know that not all crimpers are alike. I'm finding dozens of crimping tools, many with replaceable "jaws"; example below. So, my question is: What kind of crimping tool, or tool+jaw combination, should I get for these connectors?


  • The wires on one side are solid; on the other side they're stranded.
  • The connectors' stated diameter is 4mm.

enter image description here

Best Answer

tl;dr: Get a pair of HS-40J -type crimping pliers.

(This answer partially relies on information in @JACK's and @ThreePhaseEel's answers.)

Here's the kind of plier jaws which should work for you:

enter image description here

this type of jaws, and pliers, is named HS-40J. You'll notice the color-coding - but also the cross-section area, in square millimeters, listed:

  • 0.25-1.0 mm^2 - Green
  • 1-1.5 mm^2 - Red
  • 2.5 mm^2 - Blue
  • 4-6 mm^2 - Yellow

It is customary to have wire connectors obey this color coding, e.g.:

enter image description here

Other jaw sets - even from the long list you posted - may also work, depending on the cross-section area, but sometimes they have weird target shapes.

You will need to figure out the cross-section of your wire - not your connector - and crimp around the wire, accordingly. Specifically, the 4mm connector diameter is not the number you need to use. Please follow the rule: "Measure twice, cut^H^H^Hcrimp once"...

Here's how a full pair of pliers looks, with typical dimension and weight:

enter image description here