Wiring – wires to outlet died all of a sudden


There is one double three-prong outlet in one of our bathrooms. All of a sudden it stopped working. The bathroom also has four light switches. They all work. I switched the breaker to off, removed the dead outlet's receptacle, placed multimeter probes red to white wire and black probe to black wire. The reading fluctuates between .110 and .112. I know the multimeter works because I tested other outlets and get readings of 120.1 or 121.
What could the problem with that outlet be?

Best Answer

Search for outlets that aren't working elsewhere in the house. Start with the bathrooms. You probably have a bunch of daisy-chained outlets on one circuit. The simplest "fix" will be if one of those outlets include GFCI protection that has tripped - reset and then all the other outlets will start working again. If that is not the case then you have to check each outlet in the chain for a loose or broken connection.