Wood – 6X2 fascia board estimation PROCESS


Assume five planks of 2X6 wood fascia is to be installed in Florida. What is the process to estimate the labor cost per 12 foot plank?. I am not seeking a quote, rather I want to understand the process of cost estimation: inputs, process (formula?) etc.

If I can put a number to the labor cost, then I can determine if it makes sense to DIY.

Photos show section of boards in place and removed on the right side.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's how I do it - call a contractor. Have them quote the job.

Shop around for the materials yourself (account for waste, fasteners, flashing, caulk, paint, trim, etc.!), add whatever tools you'd need to buy (ladder? scaffolding?). Do you need another person to help you? How do you support the board while you move the ladder after you nail one end? Does the other person work for you for free?

Then subtract your tool+material+helper estimate from their quote. The remainder is essentially what you're paying them for their labor.

Their labor rates will probably be lower than you might expect because they've already got the tools, they buy in bulk, they probably have contractor discount/credit cards, etc.