Wood – Correct placement for 1,200 lb pizza oven on wooden box I built


I am not much of a DIY-er, but I decided I wanted to try and make a stand for a 1,200 lb pizza oven I wanted to buy. I built a box out of 4×4's, and wrapped it in 5/8" OSB.

The dimensions of the surface of the box are 48"x48", and the pizza oven is 40"x40". The problem I'm dealing with now is that if the pizza oven is centered on the surface, most of the 4×4 beams around the perimeter aren't directly under the oven, due to the 4" inset all the way around.

So given the design in the picture where there are two center vertical pillars in the back two rows, but not in the first row, I'm wondering if I need to either scoot the pizza oven all the way to the front, or else all the way to the back. Or will it work fine being centered? Maybe I am just being overly nervous, but I want this to last, and as I said, this is my first rodeo with framing.

8 vertical 4x4 beams

enter image description here

Best Answer

It will be fine in terms of the weight... the 4x4s in the center will easily handle the load. I'm a bit concerned about the OSB though. Personally if it isn't too late I'd really suggest 3/4" CDX plywood. But if it's too late don't lose sleep over it, just a long shot.