Wood – Do fence pickets need to be totally dry before installing


I want to purchase all the wood for my 6' privacy fence project but it will take me longer than a day to install. Also I'll be leaving all of the wood in my backyard which means it will probably get wet when it rains. My question is: Do fence pickets need to be dry before being installed?

I ask this because I know wood expands/contracts in different situations and I don't want to install my fence to have it bow later or be misshapen after I've finished.

The wood I'll be using is pressure treated pine.

Best Answer

That depends partly on the fence design. If you're doing something edge-to-edge, installing water-swollen pickets will result in gaps once the wood dries out.

Otherwise, it's more likely that the pickets will warp if left to dry quickly in the sun. The side that dries out first contracts, causing curvature.

That said, pressure-treated lumber is extremely wet to begin with, so it may not matter much. If you get any severely warped pickets you might just have to change them out.

I'd buy an inexpensive tarp and keep it all dry until it's up. Why make the project more challenging than it already is?