Wood – Do I or do I not remove baseboards when refinishing the hardwood floor


I need to have my wood floors refinished and have had several quotes. One person says they have the tools to get right up next to the baseboards and he does not need to remove them. He has 45 years of experience. The other companies do not have as much experience and they want to remove the baseboard and reinstall it.

I am worried that if they take off the baseboard there will be a line where the drywall paper is removed and when they replace it I will have major work painting and fixing it.

My husband is concerned that if they aren't taken off that it will look like the baseboard isn't seated on the floor. He is also concerned that the floor will slope.

The floor has been refinished once before with the baseboards not being removed. Any expert opinions out there? What should we do?

Best Answer

If this were my floor, I'd remove the baseboard molding so that the floor could be refinished properly.

Of course you can leave them in place but it will be impossible to get right to the edge with the refinishing equipment and the finishing products.

What you might do is ask your supplier who does not want to remove the baseboards to provide some references where you can go and see the end result if that's possible.

I'm not at all clear what affect either way would have on the slope of the floor.