Wood – Fast, easy and simple construction of a log store


We've just bought a whopping great log burner, and so our thoughts have turned to keeping it fed over the winter. I've plenty of ash trees, some beech, and an old sycamore that over the last couple of years have provided logs, but they're scattered around the garden slowly rotting.

Before they become completely unusable I'd like to dry them (and the good logs) out under cover. I've space down at the bottom of our property that's sheltered under trees so I'm going to build a wood store there and over-winter logs for next autumn.

I don't want to make a drama of this and make something elegant and beautiful, not least as the space I've in mind is tucked away in a copse and therefore invisible! So I was just going to get some treated 3×3 fence posts, some pre-built fence panels, and roof over with ply and roofing felt. I'll most likely create a raised "floor" of longish bits of old timber propped up on old bricks. The front will be left open and I'll most likely leave the rear apex of the roof open too so everything can breathe but is dry.

Would this work? Any suggestions, in particular for making sure the edifice is properly fixed to the ground?

Best Answer

You could easily use something like this.

metal fence post spike

It's often called a metpost or metal fence spike, depending on your region.